Energywise Insulation is SEAI certified installer of attic insulation. Priding ourselves with 15 years of knowledge in the insulation business to provide home owners with the correct attic insulation.
With our expert team of experienced staff Energywise Insulation provide a site survey to get house by house specification correct. By providing this service we ensure that the client receives the highest quality and most energy saving combination possible for there property. We at Energywise have provided our service to domestic, industrial and commercial buildings. As well as local authority buildings, Wexford Library, Wexford Gael Scoil. St Mary’s School, Arklow, Ballinbarrig School to name a few.
Isover Spacesaver Rolls are a high quality thermal insulation mat in roll form. Loft insulation products are manufactured under BSI Quality Management Standaed BS EN ISo 9001:2000.Compleatly fire safe with a Euroclass A1 fire rating. Thermal conductivity of the insulation rolls is 0.043W/m.k. Giving a U-value of 0.11 with 400mm thickness of isover insulation.